Guided Exercise & Physical Recovery Programs

Guided Membership Exercise Services


With over four decades of experience evaluating physical function and developing plans of care for the moderate to severely physically disabled, the founders (Tad and Joanne Duni) of Moving With H.O.P.E. (MWH) have skillfully integrated traditional physical therapy with intensive activity-based restorative interventions. MWH’s recovery programs are among the most aggressive in the country. If you are interested in attending MWH’s program, contact us to set up a tour.

Getting Started with Our Guided Exercise Program

Our Guided Membership program is a recovery program designed for all patients, regardless of age and physical abilities. It's 100% customized for your needs, goals, and capabilities.

Our Guided Members will be taken through a physical evaluation to obtain your baseline fitness level, consisting of: 

  • muscular strength
  • muscular endurance
  • Flexibility
  • functional fitness
  • fall risk
  • range of motion tests
From there, our Exercise Physiologists will build an exercise prescription based on your current fitness level, your goals, and your physical needs.

Our main goal is to help you improve on the five key components: 

  1. Strength
  2. Endurance 
  3. Cardiovascular
  4. Flexibility 
  5. Body Composition
room full of exercise equipment

Here's What Our Services Include:

  • Personal training sessions
  • 100% supervised 
  • Exact instructions for each movement 
  • The reasoning behind your chosen program 
  • Total body workout, 100% laid out with each set, rep, and weight
  • Easy-to-follow programs, even if you've never been to the gym before! 
  • Difficulty rating after each exercise so your Exercise Physiologist can adjust your plan as needed
  • Evaluation after every 90 sessions to review progress, goals, and adjust the exercise plan as needed

We know you will be getting better with every visit! We will build you a slightly more advanced prescription as needed, keeping you on track, motivated, and having fun while exercising. Never get bored of the same program!

Strength Training

After going through a physical evaluation, Guided Members will work one on one with our Exercise Physiologists to put together a full-body strength training program that is challenging and safe. 

We not only teach you how to use the equipment, but we also show you how to perform the exercises. Here at Moving With H.O.P.E, we appreciate feedback – either when exercises are too difficult or when they start to get too easy. This helps our trainers know when to make appropriate changes to your regimen to keep you from getting bored of the same routine.

Balance Training

Did you know that every second of every day in the United States someone over the age of 65 falls? At Moving With H.O.P.E., we understand the fear associated with being a fall risk as you are getting older. 

With an Exercise Physiologist on the floor while you exercise to assist you, training and improving your balance has never been easier, and safer! Combining our professional staff with our state-of-the-art balance equipment, you won’t experience anything like this for fall prevention!

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Posture Training

Professionals are saying it is more important now than ever to keep proper posture in mind throughout the day. 

Sitting and standing while engaging in proper alignment improves your blood flow and supports the health of your muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves, and more. Poor posture can lead to suboptimal joint conditions, increased discomfort, decreased functionality, and poor balance! 1 in 4 adult Americans experiences back pain within a 3 month period.

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With cardiac issues being prevalent, this is one of the most important categories of our program. After going through your cardiovascular evaluation, our team will set you up on multiple machines and go through the proper adjustments necessary to ensure you are comfortable and working at a pace that is challenging yet efficient for you. 

Your efforts are monitored through your heart rate on each machine, making it easy to track progress and adjust intensities as you are progressing through your program. Need more of a challenge? Our team can show you how to maximize your time and burn the most calories on your desired machine!

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Weight Loss

It’s no secret that losing weight as you get older gets to be more challenging. Whether it be sticking to the necessary lifestyle changes, the uncertainty of exercising due to discomfort, or just lack of motivation.

Moving With H.O.P.E is here to help. Our Guided Membership program offers the support and expertise needed to make our program adherable to any individual. Through our Cardiovascular, Strength and other categories of our program, our staff will keep you motivated, comfortable, and wanting to return for your next sessions.

Post Surgery/Joint Replacement Strengthening

Getting a hip or knee replacement? Our head Exercise Physiologist has worked with hundreds of knee and hip replacement patients over the past 10 years. Our Guided Membership is the perfect way to prepare for surgery or continue with your rehabilitation when released from Physical Therapy.

Did you know that working with a trainer prior to getting a hip or knee replacement increases your recovery rate? Performing consistent general exercise up to the week of your surgery increases blood flow to the affected region, increases the strength to support the affected joint, and reduces post-surgery pain and discomfort.

Interested in Getting Started?

If you're interested in getting started with our guided exercise program, contact David at 203-513-8424 to schedule a tour! You can also send him an email at